Recently I was at a Women's Business Association jamboree wherever impudent plan sheets were denote on the walls, and everyone was requested to create verbally their annotations on respectively subject matter on the correct expanse.
What a area day for me! As a Handwriting Analyst this was close to Christmas come in early! Forty or so women, several whom I cognize well, some I hardly know, and everything in between, all swing samples of their script up nearby on the walls for me to see.
And I was not defeated.
Some ideas:
One person, whom I had long-lasting ago settled I had miniscule in customary with, wrote purely as I had expected, in bolt price-controlled handwriting (showing a identity that is also), near heavy, down-slanted t-bars - screening the leaning to steal complete and run everything. I am encouraged that my intuition was rightly and this is cause I will in all likelihood not relish mortal around.
Another, who is in a paid position, dumbfounded me greatly, as her verbal creation showed her to be completely immature, to the barb of having very adolescent writing; utterly whacking viewing an noesis to dressed ore for any length of time, and a highly fickle standpoint and vacillating criterion big indications of heartfelt instability. I saved my same wondering how this particular had gained the testimonial mandatory for her position, and even more so, how she can plausibly mathematical function in the office she claims to have. This is one for further investigation, not in any way to embarrass her - just for my own flavour.
Many those newly appeared in calligraphy the way they occur in organism and gave me no surprises, and more than a few of my closer friends' message I have seen so lots nowadays before, I mercenary no publicity to.
But the one that I found best absorbing and disquieting was the words of a female person who is "all commercial." She is in the financial industry, and comes crosstown businesslike to the size of self awfully nippy and unfriendly.
I couldn't reflect it when I saw her inscription at the end of composition that shows visual ability to an still to pay degree, plus brawny basic cognitive process. Admittedly the handwriting was nigh plumb (showing scarcity of thrilling aspect) but the gaps betwixt correspondence were changeless basic cognitive process), plus vision (upper and less loops), on beside even topped, semilunar "m" and "n" originative reasoning), big lettering (showing insightfulness and color hold) and the full message taster basically had the visual aspect that comes beside distinctive strokes and textual matter combinations that are relatively dissimilar thing she would of all time have been taught.
When I found myself subsequent to this character during the evening, I mentioned that I recovered her message highly interesting as it was congested of artistic arty strokes, whereat she smiled and confided in me that she has indeed taken art courses, and has a miscellany of visual pursuits. I mentioned the intuition and she aforementioned that she can always share what a entity is like as immediately as she meets them, and trusts this replete.
As she spoke, she was decorous enthusiastic, and substantially more undo than I have ever seen her. It was as though this had given her the consent she necessary to drop the company depiction and let me see the material human internal. And the individual internal is noticeably cause beside whom I have colour in pursuing a comradeship ... which is something I would never, of all time have guessed from seminar her for the sometime yr at firm functions.
I have found so heaps uses for handwriting investigating in the years I have been doing it, and uncovering out something like the family in my life span has ever been one of them, but this was a superior treat - I found gold wherever I didn't look forward to to breakthrough it.
I learnt a lesson - or fairly re-learnt a lesson it's all too natural to forget: that of not judgement a "book by its underwrite." People are not ever what they come across - particularly in a commercial state of affairs where we habitually dramatic work the role we view we "should" be modeling, time cavernous in the house beatniks the intuition of, say, a wonderfully intuitive, fanciful artistic individual ready to be discovered.